FD Fine Art (Year 1) 2017/18

'APPLE' Project - After considering what an apple means to me, the first word that came to mind was ‘Beauty’. From every apple I’ve seen, it always looks delightful, glorious and enchanting. Symbolically an apple can be dangerous and poisonous as well. 

After researching the symbolism of the apple, I wanted to explore the theme of Beauty Vs. Character and my own personal experiences relating to this theme. By this I mean that people are not always what they seem by the way they are presented on the outside.
An example I can think of is when a person who is attractive can be objectified by others because of their appearance, but their looks are nothing like their personality. 

'HOME' Project - When I think of home, I don’t think of bricks, walls and cement. I think of the home within our true and authentic selves. It’s about celebrating the things that make you, YOU! It might be our belongings, hobbies/interests, the people who accept us and love us for who we are, influences, pets, culture/background, our beliefs, etc. All of these subjects are symbolically our bricks which build our home, which is ourselves. Have you ever heard the saying ‘Rome was not built in a day?’ My Grandma shared this saying with me to explain that it takes time (step by step) to and develop something. It took me years to find myself.

'MATERIALS & PROCESSES' Workshop - After a break from projects. I've tried out new techniques and skills from each workshop, as well as the ones I am familiar with. It was a block where I could experiment, play and experience which ones I enjoyed the most to make and use for future projects. The workshops that me and the group took part in were: screen printing, collagraphs, intaglio, lino prints, drawing & painting and book making.

Here's my collection:

'NEGOTIATED BRIEF' - In this project, we had the option to choose a theme for ourselves. Because I am very typical at picking a theme that is very intimate and personal to me, I decided to choose a theme which expresses another aspect of me, 'Child at Heart'. Choosing this theme makes me unleash my child-like and nostalgic creativity as well as dreams and ambitions. It's what makes me a authentic, unique, innocent, sincere and heart-warming human being. I never let go of my childhood memories because it's what makes me find pleasure and happiness in this world. Without that, I would loose a part of myself. So I've produced another autobiographical work which depicts that I will always be a 'child at heart' no matter what. It's what evolves my personality. Plus it's always good to remind people is that the child within ourselves is what creates love and magic.
