NTU Degree Show Project Competition

I participated in an NTU competition, which was called the Degree Show Project. We all had to make a PowerPoint Presentation and it's similar to an interview, it's just basically talking about yourself, your course, where you want your creative future to take you and the experience on this year's Degree Show. Me and many others entered the competition and I was lucky and won it, I was offered a free short course at Nottingham Trent University (NTU). The course I did was Fashion Portfolio Design, which was for 15 - 17 year olds. It was only for a week, but I've learnt so many things during that time. I'm so grateful to NTU for this opportunity.

I've learnt different drawing skills, such as continuous line and blind drawing. Personally my favourite skill was blind drawings because it's interesting to see what I've drawn in the end when I haven't looked on paper. I've also worked on themes on this project, mine was 'Hidden Identity.' I could go on about the whole week but there is a lot to explain because there are so many things we've covered during that week. For example Fashion Illustration, making a garment out of paper, making the portfolio boards etc. One thing I've learnt about presenting portfolio boards is 'Less is More'. Since I am a perfectionist, it can be difficult for me be satisfied with things when I think it is too  little. So I guess I have to get used to selecting key important bits rather than presenting a busy portfolio board.

The class I was in was all girls, some were from Nottingham (there was another person who won the Degree Show Project) , other parts of the UK and outside of the UK. Also the tutor I had was called Caroline Jackson, who is a Fashion Design lecturer at De Montfort University in Leicester. So it was great to meet and greet different people (even if they were all girls) from different cities and countries.
